After the class ended,the children introduced themselves to us. As soon as the ice breaking session ended,we had tea with the children. The home also prepared two people who are the wardens who take cares of the kids. The male warden was incharge to take care the boys whereas the female warden is incharge to take care of the girls. The condition and the environment of the home was well organized by the management of the home. Besides that,the caretaker of the home is an ex-headmaster,Mr.Chandran informed us about the background and history of the home. Furthermore,the male warden,Mr.Roshan prepared some authentic desert called halwa for us.
Lastly,we thanked the management of the home for their time spent to entertain us. In conclusion,we were very satisfied and had a very good impression on the home. Thank You.
Report by,
Nithiya & TEAM