In 2011, Chitra Pournami falls on the 17th of April (Sunday). Therefore, it was time for Youth Cares annual food donation. This would be our 3rd consecutive year in organising this event. This year, Youth Cares decided to target 1500 people for the food donation. At first we were a little skeptical of reaching our target and risked having leftover but we decided to risk it all, as it was a weekend. A weekend would mean a good turn out. As it was a weekend, many of our donors manage to drop by to give us a hand in the preparations. We gathered under our tent at around 10.30am. This year the tent was put up a day earlier, to secure our spot. We initially arranged for the tent to be nearer to the temple or the Youth Park car park, but most places were taken up by business vendors. *when you see many business stalls, it means GOOD CROWD* At 11.15 am, the food finally arrived. The menu of the day was Tomato Rice, Vegetarian Kurma, Cabbage stir fried,Taukua Sambal,Pudina Chutney & for the sweet tooth, Ladoo! As per last year, even before we managed to unload the food from the caterer’s truck, there was a line forming in the front of the tent. *I suppose the food really must have smelled good*
After unloading the food, all I remember was someone telling me to serve the food. We started serving to the public at around 12pm. Just in time for a good hearty lunch. Something extra this year was that our banner made it's debut. It was a good move, as someone came up to one of us to enquire what Youth Cares was all about. At around 2, we were ready to pack up and leave. Yay, we manage serve 1500 people.
- All those who donated
- Maximuz Mini Mart
- Susmeatha Catering
Till Next Year!!
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